Que sais-je / Sigmund Freud


Sigmund Freud

An Introduction

Jean-Michel Quinodoz introduces the essential life and work of Sigmund Freud, from the beginning of his clinical experiences in Vienna in the 1880s to his final years in London in the 1930s.
Freud's discoveries, including universally-influential concepts like the Oedipus complex and the interpretation of dreams, continue to be applied in many disciplines today.

Elegantly and clearly written, each chapter leaves the reader with a solid framework for understanding key Freudian concepts, and an appetite for further knowledge.
Accessible for readers inside and outside the field of psychoanalysis, there is nothing at all equivalent in English.

Published by:Routledge
(2018) - Pages: 102
ISBN 978-1-13-823579-3


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